Read Person with Body Language : The Science
Hey guys, I am here with my new post, so in this post, we will be talking or reading about the Read a person with the Body Language.

So how does it work, every and each one of us emits a clue to catching our mood or anything, and every one of us to know or about curious to read that thing to know, what the person is actually thinking or giving signals to us?
Studying the Eyes:-

So Guys when it comes to studying the eyes, many of us just don't look in the other person's eye. I don't why but most of us just felt Carmela type to look at the othe person eyes. The other person's eye can tell you everything that what it is telling to you , the thing matter is you have to read that !When you are talking to someone whoever he/she is , If it looks down , then you should kown that the person is nervous to talk to you. You know the person blinking time , or rate can tell you something, if a person blinks too much then he/she is feeling Streese or thinking more about something. You know when it comes to studying the eyes , it is being suggested that looking upwards or looking right between the conversation , immediately know that the person is telling Lie.
Watch For Hand Signals :

Now Guys it comes to the Hands !!! You know while talking most of the people use their hand like they are talking with the hands only.You guys should always look to the Hands position during the conversation with someone for example: -If someone put their hand in the pocket or head on their hand , you should immeadiately understand that the person indicates nervousness. Next if two people are communicating with each other and one person holds for eg. an object eg.bottle in front of other person, this is considered that the person don't want to talk with him or a Blocking act.
Loot at the person's feet

Now when we talked about the Hand lets move on to the Feet.You know guys there are people exist who dont show facial expression or change their facial expression while talking so at this time what to do? So we have to look at their feet. So while in the sitting position, a person moves their feet or point their feet whereever they wanted to go, so if the person pointed their feet towards you then this is a good indiaction to you because he/she wanted to have conversation with you , or if it is opposite he/she doent want to talk to you.
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Observe the Head Movement of other

You guys already know that When someone moves their head upwards or in downwards it means he/she is saying "Yes", while some move or shake their head sideways means that say "No". If someone Slowly node during your conversation that means he/she is deeply listening to you what you are saying, he/she is interested in you. Or if a person is fast nodding that means he/she wants to speak now means you have spoken enough, now is my turn. Another technique is, when you are coming and a person moves his/her head in your way, then they are secretly telling you that "Rather you not harm me" and if you move your head slowly while someone is speaking than the other person will think tht you are more interested to my word.
Finally In Conclusion:-
The conclusion is that the above methods are useful but not fullproof this method will depend on how you use that, the other person doesn't understand that you are using this method to recognize him/her, so take care of that.
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