See Why Should you Wear Sun Glasses everyday ! Benefits
Before getting started
"Sun Glasses are not to Show off others." MArk That!→ So, with that being said, lets Start

Most of the people dont understand the value of their eye, your eye is a very delicate organ if you ignore it then you pay a big prize.
Most of the people know that the sun's rays are bad for their skin. But they don't know that they are too bad for our eyes too.

Most of the people think that sun glasses is for fashion but they dont know that the main work of sunglasses is to protect your delicate eye from the harsh sun light. Then also most of the people dont wear and get difficulty when they walk in the sunlight.
And in Long Term they face problem of their eye and they cant do anything at that time. So if you dont want to join this group so wear sun glasses from today it will make vast difference for a long term.
Effects on Eyes

"You eye is delicate organ take care of it properly"
The Molecules absorbed the UV Rays which are present in the eye cells and tissues. If too much UV light is absorbed, eye structures such as cornea, lens, and retina can be damaged.
If your eye is continously exposed to sun light and for a long term so guys it will definately afftect your eye. your eye is delicate so if you exposed to sunlight for a long time your eye cant take that light for a long time and as a time goes on your power of the eye will start decreasing. Remeber , it will decrease slowly you even dont know that my power of the eye is decreasing.
Why wear sunglasses?

Like your skin, your eyes need protection against ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun to tackel the sunlight. Correct sunglasses can help prevent glaucoma, increase on the eye (including cancer) and other eye conditions.
I will not go medically but you should take care of your eyes and to take care you should wear sun glasses with 100% Protection of UV Rays.
Medications that can make your eyes and skin more sensitive include:
- Tetracycline
- Doxycycline
- Allopurinol
- Phenothiazine
- Psoralens
What is UV Light?
Ultraviolet (UV) light is an electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to the human eye. Its name is derived from the spectrum of electromagnetic waves, whose frequency is higher than those colors that humans recognize as the color violet.
In Short the UV Rays is much more harmful to your eye and will damage your eye.
Does sunglasses always protect my eyes?

No, even the best sunglasses can not save your eyes from the very intense light of the sun. But it can make a vast difference of wearing a sunglass and not wearing a sunglass.
Before buying a sunglass, make sure that the sunglass that is you buying is 100% UV Rays Protected that will make a difference. There are some sunglasses who are just for fashion and don't protect from sunlight, so ya! Just make sure about that.
In Conclusion :
You should Wear the Sun Glasses whenever you go out on Sun. It is made and manufactured only to protect your eyes from the harsh sunlight. Just Make sure it is 100% UV Rays Protected. Just Share this.
I hope you like this article and now onwards wear sunglasses every day you go out.
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